Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Dependence on Food Stamps... a Ticking Time Bomb

From: Activist Post

by Sean Kerrigan

"An average of one out of every 6.5 Americans is now dependent on the government for food assistance, an absolutely stunning statistic." 

In 1971, five percent of the population or roughly one in 20 used the program. Since 2007 it has grown by almost as much as all previous years combined. And the situation is worsening. Recent government reports confirmed there have been roughly 1 million new enrollees in just the last two months! Think about it. A million people. This does not include possible increases related to Hurricane Sandy which won’t be released until later this month.

Examine this chart courtesy of the financial blog Zero Hedge. As you can see, Food Stamp usage has been relatively stable for most of 2012, but suddenly increased in September and October of this year. This cannot be explained away with unusual seasonal disruptions, which we suspect is why it wasn’t mentioned by any mainstream media outlet in television or print.

What would happen in the event of a financial collapse?

When you have 47.7 million people reliant Food Stamps in the world’s largest and most important economy - roughly 15 percent of its population - you have a serious problem, and yet our political leaders have proposed no solutions except to wait and hope the economy recovers. In the meantime, the debt is getting larger, global instability is increasing, as is the likelihood of financial disaster.

Consider what would happen in the event of a sudden financial crisis. A bank holiday would be almost certain. Credit cards and debit cards would be useless. EBT, again run by JP Morgan, would also cease to function. Left with what little cash Americans had on hand, some would be able to rough it for a while. However, America’s most vulnerable, those dependent on government assistance, would find themselves unable to afford food. Within a very short period of time, food riots would erupt around the country. If the crisis escalated, the level of violence could be greater than any living person has ever seen. In some areas, martial law would not only be justified, but desirable.


That's not "change we can believe in."

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