Friday, December 23, 2011

Joe Rogan - The American War Machine

A video from the beginning of 2011, and I thought I'd post it since Joe Rogan came up again on my radar recently. He is one person who is awake and has a voice that could reach many - if they were willing to listen.

Warning: following video contains some coarse language.

P.S. Did you watch the bonus bit after the credits? This was referring to World Trade Center Tower 7, a 47 story sky scraper that collapsed on 9/11 at free fall speed, and was not hit by any airplane. It was not one of the twin towers, but a separate building.

Most people have no idea about this collapse because the media resolutely disallowed any coverage.

Inquiring minds might like to explore this issue, learn about it and google it. Make your own assessment. Does it make sense to you that a building not hit by a plane, and that sustained just some small office fires, would collapse at freefall speed right into its own footprint? What was inside that building? Who were the tenants? If you do a little research, the answers to these questions might just raise a few more bigger questions, they did for me.

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