Monday, April 11, 2011

Why We the People will win the new American Revolution against US fascism

Carl Herman,, April 11th, 2011

Whether you like it or not, whether you want it or not, you are within a new American Revolution.

The “emperor has no clothes” obvious facts that expose US political/economic “leadership” crimes center on US wars that are nowhere close to lawful and all based on lies, and trillions of dollars transferred from the American public to these political/economic “leaders.”

There are many other related crimes. I do my part as a professional educator of government and economics to walk people through the relatively simple explanations and documentation. I offer a professional academic paper, and one with my “citizen voice”:

Open proposal for US revolution: end unlawful wars, parasitic economics

Common Sense for new American Revolution: revolt from US government by dicts

The path of We the People is set: critical mass is embracing the intellectual integrity and moral courage to declare our fascist emperors are without a shred of constitutional or legal clothing.

Your role as an individual American is your call. I respectfully suggest that you claim your unique, powerful, and beautiful self-expression to participate in rejecting the fascists’ murder of multiple millions of your fellow beings on this planet and forced suffering of billions. The solutions in government and economics in the links above are literally peace and trillions of dollars of annual benefits to propel humanity forward into an unimaginably bright future.

What self-expression will give you the most joy, the most strength, the greatest pride for all you hold dear?

In support of your choice, a cogent explanation for this Revolution and victory is given by Benjamin Fulford(I do not argue Mr. Fulford’s entire message and background because his factual claims are outside my ability and/or immediate interest to research):

What the megalomaniac financial elite need to realize is that the men with the guns and the senior civil servants and other top intellectuals who were not part of the inbred elite are now awake, aware and angry. They are not going to be lulled back to sleep this time.

Story continues here

That's not "change we can believe in."

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