Monday, September 20, 2010

The Emperor's New Clothes

This great video sums up how many many Obama supporters are feeling. She's probably a republican plant, but that doesn't change the fact that she precisely sums up what many people are thinking.

Obama Supporter: "I'm exhausted of defending you"

Now lets listen to a reply from the silver tongue...

He tells her (with a straight face) that she embodies all that is good in America, and people like her are the type of people "they" want to reward.

Yet the only rewards under Obama have gone directly, magnanimously, to Wall Street, just as they did under Bush. If I can find this woman's followup, I will post it below.

However, in more important news, and let's get down to some serious business, all the American Idol judges are leaving. What is the world coming to! [sarcasm]

That's not "change we can believe in."

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