Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Military Spying and Torture Continues Under Obama: CIFA’s Nine (Corrupt) Lives

From Dissident Voice:

Despite promises to the contrary, the Obama administration has consolidated, even expanded privacy- and civil liberties killing programs launched by the Bush government.

From warrantless spying and driftnet surveillance to the indefinite detention and torture of foreign suspects held in U.S. gulags, and from the murderous drone wars in Pakistan to threats to assassinate American citizens merely on the suspicion they might be terrorists, 18 months into Obama’s new “change” order, facts on the ground paint a grim picture indeed.

As egregious as these central facts are in demolishing the veracity of the President’s long-forgotten campaign pledges, when it comes to enlisting the services of defense and security corporations for waging America’s bogus “War On Terror 2.0.1,” the current regime delivers!


That's not "change we can believe in."

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