Saturday, May 22, 2010

Obama says diplomacy, military go hand in hand

Obama says diplomacy, military go hand in hand

Yeah, haven't we heard that before? As a candidate, he was talking all about the importance of diplomacy. Now, its all about the importance of military. We are fighting two pre-emptive and unnecessary wars, both STILL being funded through "emergency" spending measures. These are wars that have stretched on for nine years in one case and seven years in the other.

From the above article (emphasis mine):
"...Obama said the U.S. will fight to protect "those universal rights that formed the creed of our founding" and will lead by example by staying true to the rule of law and the Constitution, "even when it's hard, even when we're being attacked, even when we're in the midst of war."

The two current wars are in complete violation of "those universal rights that formed the creed of our founding". Closing Guantanamo, but using Baghram Air Base instead, is in complete violation of those universal rights too.

When you say one thing, but you are doing the exact opposite, you really have lost all credibility.

And if the article doesn't frighten the life out of you then you are probably not paying attention.

That's not "change we can believe in."

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