Tuesday, May 27, 2014


From: Association of American Editorial Cartoonists
That's not "change we can believe in."

Friday, May 16, 2014

Force-feeding in Guantanamo Bay

Obama is now in his second term, but back when he was running for his first term, he promised to shut down Guantanamo Bay as his first point of duty in office.

At the time it was a big deal, and his promise to shut it down rang true with many voters and this helped him to win the nomination for the Democrats. If it sounds hazy, then take a quick trip down memory lane.

Fast Forward to 2014.

There is video evidence that Guantanamo inmates, held on questionable moral and legal grounds, are being tortured as they undertake hunger strikes in protest of their conditions. Inmates are force fed while restrained in chairs, to the point of vomiting and/or defecting in the chair.

From RT:

No matter how you look at it, force feeding an inmate who is on a hunger strike is torture, and that is against every conceivable American value.

This is NOT change we can believe in. Wake up America, your taxes are funding this, you are supporting this.

That's not "change we can believe in."

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Barbaric USA

Barbaric societies execute people who violate the law, especially if the perpetrator is a known murderer.

from Miriam Webster's Dictionary:

Barbaric (definition):

  • marked by a lack of restraint
  • having bizarre, primitive or unsophisticated quality

In the old days they would stone people to death. Others were flogged to death, or nailed to crosses for crimes much less than murder.

America is right up there with the latest technology, injecting them with lethal drugs.

Hooray for progress.

from YT:

Stunned witnesses watch botched Oklahoma execution


That's not "change we can believe in."