Monday, May 30, 2011

79 Senators vote to trash the Constitution: The “War of Terror” on the US grows

From Activist Post

Marti Oakley
Saturday, May 28, 2011

If you haven’t received the memo yet, let me update you on your status as it pertains to the Constitution and your civil liberties; you have neither. 79 Senators who snickered as they swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, voted to render you guilty in advance, with no chance of proving your innocence. The unlawful data mining and collection, the compilation of dossiers on virtually every person in the US, the unwarranted wire-tapping, the rifling through personal records of all kinds for no other reason than to collect information to be used at a later date if the government decides to prosecute you for whatever reasons, was extended.

The Patriot Acts were sold to the public as part of the war of terror perpetrated by the Bush administration after the false flag attacks of 9/11. A “War of Terror” is being perpetrated by our own government against its own people and is blessed by both Democrat and Republican alike. “We the people” are the terrorists the government fears. The Constitution be damned.

Nothing in the Patriot acts is remotely connected to fighting terrorism from foreign invaders. It is a precisely targeted bill which amounted to a massive assault on liberty and freedom right here at home.

We had more than 1500 laws already on the books (never invoked) to fight terrorism prior to this Act, and even these could not stop an attack; what makes anyone think or believe the Patriot Acts could perform such a feat? If you think this Act could prevent terrorism, try waving a copy at a TSA agent and see if he (or, she) runs away in fear.

Had the intent of the Patriot Act actually been to fight terrorism, the federal government would have had to turn its efforts inward and waged “war” on itself.

The Patriot Acts are the systematic criminalization of American citizens. Terrorists, and terrorism are only mentioned when the assaults on Constitutional rights and civil liberties were so egregious, so blatantly obvious that the veiled threat of another attack, if we objected, was ever present.

No true terrorist gives a rat’s behind what laws we pass; if they did, they wouldn’t be terrorists. Nothing in the Patriot Acts will stop terrorism especially when it emanates from within.

These Acts will however:
  • Stop YOU from traveling unmolested by government agents.

  • Will also violate your right to privacy and to be,
    Secure from illegal search and seizure

  • Makes legal (not lawful) warrantless searches

  • Allows unwarranted data mining of any and all information on you, including:

  • Any comments, beliefs, political opinions, social positions, religious beliefs, political party affiliation, and any other belief system or political view not approved by government.

  • These Acts are the foundation of the police state being systematically assembled and implemented by Homeland Security

The hunting of the American people
They aren’t looking for terrorists…..they are looking for you.

There is far more to this police state Act than we can go into here. We all know this Act for what it is: The end of our Constitutional Republic and the rise of the police state. And 79 of our Senators took it upon themselves to vote away our liberty and to allow this monster to grow.

Too many of us dutifully comply with the sexual assaults perpetrated by TSA agents across the country. As passengers mewl and whine about how they “are just trying to keep us safe” I have to wonder just how egregious the invasion of our property and most especially the invasion of our persons has to become before we admit that what TSA is doing has nothing to do with your safety. It has everything to do with conditioning and training you to submit and comply, and god knows there are plenty of perverts more than willing to spend their days fondling the genitals of compliant passengers or watching the naked body scanner images. The sexual assaults perpetrated on the public have produced not ONE terrorist unless of course you count the TSA agents.

TSA is now planned for public buildings, malls, train stations and stadiums. And bunches of you sheeple will whine about how they are just trying to keep you safe! And to add insult to injury, the 2002 homeland Security Act has been amended to include a snitching-for-dollars program which we like to call “The Stool Pigeon Protection Act”.

Fusion Centers are proliferating across the country. These centers do nothing but data mine, snoop, and collect any and all data they can, indiscriminately and without regard to your liberty or civil protections. These are manned by your friends, neighbors and family members who lack morality and any sense of patriotism; people who quickly forgot who they are and where they come from.

Obama and several state senators and governors are contemplating a “per mile” surveillance tax system to be paid for by taxpayers. This new system would require surveillance equipment to be installed on your vehicle, not so much to generate revenue, but more to track your movements so that information could be added to your CIA/FBI/NSA dossier. Once identified in this new system, your ability to purchase gas could be shut off instantly simply by deactivating your vehicle ID number. It could shut off access for one vehicle . . . or all vehicles.

Our police and sheriff departments have been militarized under Homeland Security. Our police and sheriff department vehicles no longer have the words “To protect and Serve” emblazoned on the sides. This, thanks to a SCOTUS ruling that said law enforcement was under no obligation to protect us unless they arrest us, and then only in a limited fashion . . . and besides . . . they are essentially military units now.


Marti Oakley is a political activist and former op-ed columnist for the St Cloud Times in Minnesota. She was a member of the Times Writer’s Group until she resigned in September of 07. She is neither Democrat nor Republican, since neither party is representative of the American people. She says what she thinks, means what she says, and is known for being outspoken. She is hopeful that the American public will wake up to what is happening to our beloved country . . . little of it is left. Her website is The PPJ Gazette

That's not "change we can believe in."