Of the federal government's discretionary spending, about half goes to the pentagon - yest the pentagon is the ONLY agency of the federal government that cannot be audited.
Does anyone see the problem with this picture?
That's not "change we can believe in."
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
State of the Union Speech Reflects U.S. Plutocracy
From Dissident Voice
The State of the Union speech has become a well-scripted event full of nice words but few ideas that will really benefit the public. This sad situation results from our political system being corrupted by big money. This corruption almost guarantees that the public interest will be trumped by the interest of the rich and powerful.
To change this sorry state of affairs, it would take a courageous leader who was willing to put the interests of the country over the interests of a few. If there were such a leader, the speech could then be used to rally the American people behind this leader’s vision. However, we haven’t had a peoples’ champion as president in a very long time. This situation is due to a political system that pretty well ensures the nominees of both major parties have been vetted by the rich and powerful. Even if there were a candidate not acceptable to those pulling the strings, the corporate-dominated media would work to marginalize or destroy the candidate’s campaign.
Thus it is not shocking President Obama’s State of the Union address offered few if any proposals that threatened the interests of the rich and powerful. In reality, Obama, as is his custom, offered few specifics on most of his ideas or vision. This lack of specifics allowed viewers to put their own interpretation on his words. As a result, the speech resonated with many.
However, for me, the speech was more an attempt to assure the American people that the state of the union is not really that bad and, in fact, it is pretty darn good and will continue to improve. In essence, Obama led a big pep rally claiming over and over that the U.S. is number one. Thus no major policy changes are required. Perhaps providing this assurance is his role as President under our plutocracy.
That's not "change we can believe in."
The State of the Union speech has become a well-scripted event full of nice words but few ideas that will really benefit the public. This sad situation results from our political system being corrupted by big money. This corruption almost guarantees that the public interest will be trumped by the interest of the rich and powerful.
To change this sorry state of affairs, it would take a courageous leader who was willing to put the interests of the country over the interests of a few. If there were such a leader, the speech could then be used to rally the American people behind this leader’s vision. However, we haven’t had a peoples’ champion as president in a very long time. This situation is due to a political system that pretty well ensures the nominees of both major parties have been vetted by the rich and powerful. Even if there were a candidate not acceptable to those pulling the strings, the corporate-dominated media would work to marginalize or destroy the candidate’s campaign.
Thus it is not shocking President Obama’s State of the Union address offered few if any proposals that threatened the interests of the rich and powerful. In reality, Obama, as is his custom, offered few specifics on most of his ideas or vision. This lack of specifics allowed viewers to put their own interpretation on his words. As a result, the speech resonated with many.
However, for me, the speech was more an attempt to assure the American people that the state of the union is not really that bad and, in fact, it is pretty darn good and will continue to improve. In essence, Obama led a big pep rally claiming over and over that the U.S. is number one. Thus no major policy changes are required. Perhaps providing this assurance is his role as President under our plutocracy.
That's not "change we can believe in."
Friday, January 21, 2011
The Vanishing Anti-War Movement
Even as President Obama maintains close to 50,000 troops in Iraq and continues to escalate and expand the war in Afghanistan, the antiwar movement in America continues to shrink.
So, what happened?
Reason.tv visited two antiwar protests—one left-leaning, one libertarian—in an attempt to answer that question. Author and historian Thaddeus Russell and Reason Senior Editor Brian Doherty also weigh in.
War, it seems, is a bipartisan venture, which is reflected by the fact that Democrats have a favorable view of Obama's foreign policy, despite its remarkable similarity to George W. Bush's foreign policy. And though there have been rumblings of antiwar sentiment from some on the Right, Republicans remain strongly in favor of an interventionist foreign policy.
Although public sentiment is turning against the war in Afghanistan, the always-shifting withdrawal deadlines and the unwillingness to touch defense spending mean that this bipartisan war is likely to continue far into the future.
Approximately 7 minutes. Written and Produced by Zach Weissmueller. Senior Producer: Ted Balaker.
That's not "change we can believe in."
So, what happened?
Reason.tv visited two antiwar protests—one left-leaning, one libertarian—in an attempt to answer that question. Author and historian Thaddeus Russell and Reason Senior Editor Brian Doherty also weigh in.
War, it seems, is a bipartisan venture, which is reflected by the fact that Democrats have a favorable view of Obama's foreign policy, despite its remarkable similarity to George W. Bush's foreign policy. And though there have been rumblings of antiwar sentiment from some on the Right, Republicans remain strongly in favor of an interventionist foreign policy.
Although public sentiment is turning against the war in Afghanistan, the always-shifting withdrawal deadlines and the unwillingness to touch defense spending mean that this bipartisan war is likely to continue far into the future.
Approximately 7 minutes. Written and Produced by Zach Weissmueller. Senior Producer: Ted Balaker.
That's not "change we can believe in."
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Friday, January 14, 2011
Obama Uses The Dead For Political Gain In Staged Psychological Operation
Source: www.roguegovernment.com - By Lee Rogers

Yesterday's memorial service for the victims of the Arizona shooting massacre was turned into a disgusting staged political rally by Barack Obama. It should be entirely obvious that this event was scripted as a means for political gain. Ever since the shooting which appears to have been a staged operation in its own right we have seen calls for more gun control and limits on free speech. It was entirely ridiculous to see Obama delivering supposed breaking news that Representative Gabby Gifford who was shot in the head during the rampage and in critical condition since the shooting had opened her eyes. This obviously staged moment of Obama delivering this news in front of a live televised audience caused all of the Obama cult members in attendance to cheer wildly like a bunch of brain dead zombies.
If all of that wasn't ridiculous enough, the powers that be managed to deliver thousands of propaganda t-shirts that said "Together We Thrive" that were given to many who attended the memorial service. One has to wonder how these people were able to get thousands of these t-shirts printed off and delivered in only a matter of days considering that the shooting only occurred this past weekend. Could this be more evidence that the rampage shooting over the weekend was staged? Even though that is suspicious enough in its own right, this public relations stunt coupled with the insane t-shirt slogan is proof enough that the Obama administration was using this event only as a means to promote the collective political ideology of the globalists.
Beyond all of this, it is entirely hypocritical for Obama to be using the dead in a cheap political stunt. This guy is responsible for continuing the fraudulent endless terror war which has resulted in an untold number of dead in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He has even authorized attacks from unmanned aerial vehicles in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region which has also resulted in the death of many people including women and children. Yet, we are supposed to believe that this guy is sincere when he grandstands at this memorial service acting as if he cares about the victims of this shooting? It is funny how the government and corporate media humanize the victims of this shooting and other staged terror events like the 9/11 attacks but when a bunch of people are killed in a U.S. military drone attack these stories might only get a 30 second mention on the nightly news broadcasts. They only humanize these events if they have an ulterior motive behind it. The harsh reality is that none of these people really give a shit about any of the people who got killed in these shootings.
Maybe if Obama wasn't destroying everything that at one time made this country great there wouldn't be so many Americans pissed off at him. Everything Obama has done since he got into office has been against the people and against the principles of individual freedom. Look at what his Department of Homeland Security has done with airport security in its justification of naked body scanners and the molestation of passengers. Or look at the phony health care bill Obama signed into law which gives draconian government authority over health care and forces people to buy health insurance. Then later on the Obama administration grants exemptions to this law to big corporations like McDonalds. Yet despite all of this and so much more he wants us to thrive together in some sort of show of unity? Maybe we should ask the family members of the dead women and children he's responsible for killing overseas and ask them how they feel about that.
The bottom line is that Obama is a complete shit bag for transforming a memorial event into a political rally. How much do you want to bet that people in the Obama administration actually had wished Representative Giffords had died. It would have been better for their unity propaganda trash that they are trying to shovel down our throats. Can you imagine how much legislation they could pass in the name of a dead House Representative versus one that is still amongst the living?
But regardless of all of that, there is no question that this rampage shooting is going to be used for quite sometime to push ahead a massive restriction on individual freedom. So as a result Obama and the terrorist clowns in his administration that seek to do this deserve nothing less than a big middle finger shoved right in their face. They're the ones being divisive by justifying all of this assorted anti-freedom nonsense.
That's not "change we can believe in."

Yesterday's memorial service for the victims of the Arizona shooting massacre was turned into a disgusting staged political rally by Barack Obama. It should be entirely obvious that this event was scripted as a means for political gain. Ever since the shooting which appears to have been a staged operation in its own right we have seen calls for more gun control and limits on free speech. It was entirely ridiculous to see Obama delivering supposed breaking news that Representative Gabby Gifford who was shot in the head during the rampage and in critical condition since the shooting had opened her eyes. This obviously staged moment of Obama delivering this news in front of a live televised audience caused all of the Obama cult members in attendance to cheer wildly like a bunch of brain dead zombies.
If all of that wasn't ridiculous enough, the powers that be managed to deliver thousands of propaganda t-shirts that said "Together We Thrive" that were given to many who attended the memorial service. One has to wonder how these people were able to get thousands of these t-shirts printed off and delivered in only a matter of days considering that the shooting only occurred this past weekend. Could this be more evidence that the rampage shooting over the weekend was staged? Even though that is suspicious enough in its own right, this public relations stunt coupled with the insane t-shirt slogan is proof enough that the Obama administration was using this event only as a means to promote the collective political ideology of the globalists.
Beyond all of this, it is entirely hypocritical for Obama to be using the dead in a cheap political stunt. This guy is responsible for continuing the fraudulent endless terror war which has resulted in an untold number of dead in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He has even authorized attacks from unmanned aerial vehicles in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region which has also resulted in the death of many people including women and children. Yet, we are supposed to believe that this guy is sincere when he grandstands at this memorial service acting as if he cares about the victims of this shooting? It is funny how the government and corporate media humanize the victims of this shooting and other staged terror events like the 9/11 attacks but when a bunch of people are killed in a U.S. military drone attack these stories might only get a 30 second mention on the nightly news broadcasts. They only humanize these events if they have an ulterior motive behind it. The harsh reality is that none of these people really give a shit about any of the people who got killed in these shootings.
Maybe if Obama wasn't destroying everything that at one time made this country great there wouldn't be so many Americans pissed off at him. Everything Obama has done since he got into office has been against the people and against the principles of individual freedom. Look at what his Department of Homeland Security has done with airport security in its justification of naked body scanners and the molestation of passengers. Or look at the phony health care bill Obama signed into law which gives draconian government authority over health care and forces people to buy health insurance. Then later on the Obama administration grants exemptions to this law to big corporations like McDonalds. Yet despite all of this and so much more he wants us to thrive together in some sort of show of unity? Maybe we should ask the family members of the dead women and children he's responsible for killing overseas and ask them how they feel about that.
The bottom line is that Obama is a complete shit bag for transforming a memorial event into a political rally. How much do you want to bet that people in the Obama administration actually had wished Representative Giffords had died. It would have been better for their unity propaganda trash that they are trying to shovel down our throats. Can you imagine how much legislation they could pass in the name of a dead House Representative versus one that is still amongst the living?
But regardless of all of that, there is no question that this rampage shooting is going to be used for quite sometime to push ahead a massive restriction on individual freedom. So as a result Obama and the terrorist clowns in his administration that seek to do this deserve nothing less than a big middle finger shoved right in their face. They're the ones being divisive by justifying all of this assorted anti-freedom nonsense.
That's not "change we can believe in."
Does “Change” Mean Anything?
From Dissident Voice
by Frank Scott / January 14th, 2011
"What is government if words have no meaning?"
— Jared Loughner
Two years ago Americans voted for change. Two years later Americans again voted for change. This voting ritual is generations old but the only change we’ve seen is in the skin tone, ethnicity, gender or sexuality of those selected by one minority to be elected by another. The word has no meaning. Absolutely nothing has changed about the substance of our problem.
A dysfunctional system is destroying democracy, faith, sanity, morality and the natural environment in which they all exist.
The recent tragedy in Arizona was a direct result of that social dysfunction but ignorance purveyors have used it to indict only that state, or small groups, or individual personalities, finding them guilty of creating a frustrating climate easily manipulated to bring angry division to the American public, thereby making that public easier to control.
The people at the top of a political economy that exports costly jobs while importing cheap labor remain secure while scapegoats are blamed for being unemployed natives, employed illegals or overburdened taxpayers. The wars that have cost thousands of lives, billions of dollars and created threats to Americans that never existed before are expanding to new nations. Those bloody actions are opposed by a majority, which also calls for tax increases on the richest Americans, but government consistently rules against them and for its minority owners.
The corporate state provides brainless entertainment to help control the national consciousness, and news and political commentary that make the entertainment seem brilliant by comparison. We are all but guaranteed misguided reaction at best, and homicidal lunacy at worst. If the Arizona terrorist had chosen broadcasting instead of violence, he might have had his own show on Fox, CNN or MSNBC.
The present congress will be even worse than the previous group that was of the ineffectual president’s own party. He no longer has the majority with which he did nothing but obey his corporate employers, so he can be even more bipartisan and further enrich billionaires and their servants who privately profit from all our public loss. No less a teacher of capitalist economics than Bernie Madoff reminded his investors that a profit on one side always means a loss on the other. He practiced what he preached to create fabricated billions and was sent to prison, but those who locked him up are still doing it to create fabricated trillions. Instead of being in jail, they are running the global empire. Their private profits are our social loss. Meanwhile, we are distracted by self-serving and often near imbecilic ravings that pass for political democracy as our society disintegrates while creating new billionaires. Is it any wonder that some people seem to be losing their minds?
Story continues.
That's not "change we can believe in."
by Frank Scott / January 14th, 2011
"What is government if words have no meaning?"
— Jared Loughner
Two years ago Americans voted for change. Two years later Americans again voted for change. This voting ritual is generations old but the only change we’ve seen is in the skin tone, ethnicity, gender or sexuality of those selected by one minority to be elected by another. The word has no meaning. Absolutely nothing has changed about the substance of our problem.
A dysfunctional system is destroying democracy, faith, sanity, morality and the natural environment in which they all exist.
The recent tragedy in Arizona was a direct result of that social dysfunction but ignorance purveyors have used it to indict only that state, or small groups, or individual personalities, finding them guilty of creating a frustrating climate easily manipulated to bring angry division to the American public, thereby making that public easier to control.
The people at the top of a political economy that exports costly jobs while importing cheap labor remain secure while scapegoats are blamed for being unemployed natives, employed illegals or overburdened taxpayers. The wars that have cost thousands of lives, billions of dollars and created threats to Americans that never existed before are expanding to new nations. Those bloody actions are opposed by a majority, which also calls for tax increases on the richest Americans, but government consistently rules against them and for its minority owners.
The corporate state provides brainless entertainment to help control the national consciousness, and news and political commentary that make the entertainment seem brilliant by comparison. We are all but guaranteed misguided reaction at best, and homicidal lunacy at worst. If the Arizona terrorist had chosen broadcasting instead of violence, he might have had his own show on Fox, CNN or MSNBC.
The present congress will be even worse than the previous group that was of the ineffectual president’s own party. He no longer has the majority with which he did nothing but obey his corporate employers, so he can be even more bipartisan and further enrich billionaires and their servants who privately profit from all our public loss. No less a teacher of capitalist economics than Bernie Madoff reminded his investors that a profit on one side always means a loss on the other. He practiced what he preached to create fabricated billions and was sent to prison, but those who locked him up are still doing it to create fabricated trillions. Instead of being in jail, they are running the global empire. Their private profits are our social loss. Meanwhile, we are distracted by self-serving and often near imbecilic ravings that pass for political democracy as our society disintegrates while creating new billionaires. Is it any wonder that some people seem to be losing their minds?
Story continues.
That's not "change we can believe in."
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Obama's Promise to immediately close Guantanamo
Mmmmm Hmmmm
That's not "change we can believe in."
That's not "change we can believe in."
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Obama Threatens Veto of Intelligence Budget if a *Real* Anthrax Investigation Goes Forward
Obama Threatens Veto of Intelligence Budget if a *Real* Anthrax Investigation Goes Forward
I found the above page linked in this excellent audio discussion below, all about the anthrax attacks. Remember those? Back in the day, we were told that the source of the anthrax was without a shadow of doubt, Saddam Hussein, case closed. It was the sucker-punch that pushed us into the so-called "war on terrorism".
Well we now now the source of that anthrax was the US government - the government openly admits it. But the media has since buried the entire story, a scapegoat "committed suicide" and the story is finished. Obama will veto any request for funding to pursue the issue. WTF?
Inquiring minds might want to listen to the excellent audio discussion below.
Media Roots Radio- The Anthrax Attacks, From The Memory Hole by Media Roots
That's not "change we can believe in."
I found the above page linked in this excellent audio discussion below, all about the anthrax attacks. Remember those? Back in the day, we were told that the source of the anthrax was without a shadow of doubt, Saddam Hussein, case closed. It was the sucker-punch that pushed us into the so-called "war on terrorism".
Well we now now the source of that anthrax was the US government - the government openly admits it. But the media has since buried the entire story, a scapegoat "committed suicide" and the story is finished. Obama will veto any request for funding to pursue the issue. WTF?
Inquiring minds might want to listen to the excellent audio discussion below.
Media Roots Radio- The Anthrax Attacks, From The Memory Hole by Media Roots
That's not "change we can believe in."
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Consumer bankruptcies hit 5-year high in 2010

From Reuters:
(Reuters) - The number of U.S. consumers who filed for bankruptcy protection in 2010 was the highest in five years, and the figure could rise as Americans struggle with excess debt in an uncertain economy, a report issued Monday said.
Roughly 1.53 million consumer bankruptcy petitions were filed in 2010, up 9 percent from 1.41 million in 2009, according to the American Bankruptcy Institute, citing data from the National Bankruptcy Research Center.
That's not "change we can believe in."
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